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Driver: Phil Norvold

Co-Driver: Heather Norvold  

1948 Willys Truck

Phil is the owner of Max-Bilt Offroad and the creator of Epic Willys Adventure.

Driver: Adam Schultz

Co-Driver: Kadie Schultz  

1953 Willys CJ3A


Adam is the C.O.O at Max-Bilt Offroad

Kadie is a social worker for Dunn County. We have an almost 3-year-old named Elloise. I went on the last epic adventure only to lose my engine on day one. This year will be my redemption ride! I love my Willys because of the attention it brings. Like most of the jeeps on this trip it looks like a total piece of crap but is completely gone through (once the reman engine is in)

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